Monday, December 17, 2012

"Can You Help Me?"

Such a simple question: "Can you help me?" Most of us mean we would appreciate some assistance at gathering information or collaborating performance. A single parent may need a favor in transporting a child to practice or a birthday party. Sometimes, a person means he or she would like financial assistance. A few dollars or coins can make a huge difference to an unemployed, homeless person working the streets for a meal. None of these scenarios bother me. But, there is a scenario that tests my patience: when a woman takes advantage of a decent, hardworking young man who lends her money to pay the rent for herself and her children. That woman makes no effort to pay him back and later insists the loan was a gift. Her definition of "help" means "pay it all as a gift with no return." I call that interpretation of "help" as "using" a gullible man. (Yes, men can also use this or a similar tactic, yet it seems to be a rare occurence when this happens.) Regrettably, some women look to men to buy them out of financial woes. Those women will manipulate any willing man and the system to obtain benefits. Once these women have what they want, they walk away from their debts. What do the children learn from their observations: do not trust women, men are fools, the system provides free money and food? Beware of "help" and make sure you know how the person using it defines the word. Or, you may be used!

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