Monday, November 11, 2013

Presentation Tip 2: The ACIDS Test (TM) Is your Call

End your presentation delivery with a direct call for your audience's attention in one of the directions listed in the "ACIDS Test"(TM). Your conclusion should include or imply your call. Call for Agreement or Action: Do you want a vote or the next step? Finding agreement is a precursor to identifying an appropriate plan of action. Call for Caution or Celebration: Do you want to reduce speed or reward? Determine if additional time, information, or other resources are necessary for an appropriate course. If all the resources are assembled, then a compelling vision and mission will inspire a following. Along the way to the goal and at the end of the goal, take time to acknowledge accomplishment and initiative with lunch or a party. Call for Information or Instruction: Do you need more data or a skill? Assess the situation and identify the missing links and performance gaps. Call for Discussion or Decision: Do you need more input or a plan? Determine if informed, reasonable progress comes next, or if more points of view and evidence are needed. Call for Sales or Solution: Do you encourage revenue or conclusion? Will you provide a service or product that serves the customer, or will you create a solution to resolve the current dilemma? Use the "ACIDS Test" in your next presentation conclusion.

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