Saturday, December 14, 2013

Presentation Tip 3: Use "Inside" Techniques
“Show & Tell”
with Sensory Language

 Describe what you mean. Leave your audience with sensory impressions and images that they can access from memory, from “inside.” Each access is a chance to influence the audience participant.

sights, shapes, sizes, colors, shadows, pictures, photos, graphics, tables, visual composition…

sounds, noises, euphony, cacophony, tone, speed, volume, flow, cadence, rhythm, rhyme, assonance, consonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, parallelism…

temperatures, textures, sensations, movement, motion, action…

sweetness, sourness, bitterness, tartness, blandness, saltiness, savory, flavors…

odors, stink, musk, fragrances, aromas…


How will use you a metaphor to explain an abstract concept or to instill a thematic image to thread throughout your presentation?


The brain is often called the body’s computer.
The image of a tree going through seasons connotes the passage of time.
That is a savory idea to digest!

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