Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Innovation v. Creativity

I am working on a program for mediators on the topic of innovation. Previously, I wrote a program on critical and creative thinking--that I call "crucial thinking." I want to differentiate the creative and crucial thinking from innovative thinking for the seminar participants. Mediators talk about "creative solutions." What about innovative solutions?  My research suggests the creative aspect has to do with changing form, size, number, or style, while innovation changes function and process. Recently, my imagination has been captured by toilet paper commercials--Yep, you read that correctly. Pressed images on toilet paper are creative, not innovative. Enlarging the roll of paper is creative, not innovative. Decorating the paper roll or printing a reminder on it for the user to change to another roll would be creative. Storing used rolls inside the Empire State Building would be creative (and irritating for those with offices there!). Removing the roll and making a roll-less toilet paper product to conserve is moving toward innovation. Yet, innovation would be changing the purpose of the roll, not just eliminating it. Use the roll as a paper hinge to hold two posts, and attaching that to another apex of a paper roll folded in half to accommodate two more posts to stand upright with four legs. Drape a sheet over the joint point to make a teepee-like structure for a toddler. That would be innovative! Now, how you are you being creative in your life? How are you being innovative? Watch children to observe innovation! Challenge your work team to be innovative.

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