Sunday, June 7, 2015

Ask and Ask Again

I remember wondering why my three younger sisters had so many party dresses when they were in college, so I asked my dad. His reply: "Because they asked." Hm. I thought about my two high school prom dresses--one I made, one I got on sale. I learned then if I had asked for what I wanted, daddy would have had a better chance of helping me get it. I also learned that I can supply my own needs with a little initiative. Do you find you assume the budget will not permit you to get what you want or need? Do you remain silent, allowing others to assume you have what you need to get the job done well? Maybe the budget is set and you have to think about the next budget. If you begin asking now and have compelling reasons, chances are greater that you will be rewarded with a line item. You can sometimes accomplish a shift in priorities by being the squeaky wheel or the incessant cookie requester. Remaining silent rarely changes minds or circumstances; speaking up for what you need or want can.

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